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Last week, FrontierView held a webinar to discuss our Global Outlook for 2020 and what executives can expect next year. This is the fourth webinar in our Executive Webinar Series, which will run from June through October 2019. You can click here to view the recording for our first webinar, which was centered on Understanding the US-China Trade War. You can click here to view the recording for our second webinar, which covered The World Economy in 2020: Assumptions for Strategic Planning. Lastly, you can click here to view the recording for our third webinar, focused onĀ Scaling Digital Strategies Internationally.

With a global manufacturing slowdown increasingly evident, central banks in the United States, China, and the European Union have stepped in to loosen credit conditions and expectations to lift short-term economic growth. This provides some much-needed room for emerging-market governments and central banks to pursue more fiscal and monetary stimulus over the coming months. While unlikely to reverse the growth slowdown, this should stabilize global demand at lower levels. Yet there remains significant uncertainty, mostly driven from the policy side. Chinese policy stimulus continues to evolve, and the US continues to disrupt the global trade environment. During this webinar, multinational executives will learn how to consider a scenario-based framework to plan for what may occur in 2020, while developing a planning process that prepares your team for different policy environments.

We invite you to register for the remaining webinar in our series, which will cover our Events to Watch for 2020. This one-hour exclusive webinars are designed to help executives and business professionals stay ahead of fast-changing political and economic trends impacting the global economy.