Capture the large opportunity in SSA’s biggest market

Nigeria boasts the largest economy and most populous nation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), marking it a top priority for executives aiming to drive sales growth in their SSA and EMEA portfolios. A selection of the country’s subnational states and regions have economies and population sizes that rival some of its neighboring countries.

Macroeconomic and operational challenges

GDP per capita is relatively low, economic growth remains well below historical trends, the currency is volatile, and FX is scarce. Customs procedures are slow, infrastructure is subpar, and insecurity is elevated. In addition, the regulatory environment is fast-changing.

Consequently, multinationals (MNCs) struggle to develop accurate market assumptions, find that their business development strategies are ill-adapted to local dynamics, and have difficulties finding local partners with adequate skills and capabilities. MNCs also are confronted with having to manage perennial FX and repayments risks, and the realization that their route-to-market structures are not fit-for-purpose.

Innovative approaches to achieve your commercial goals

  1. Create a data and insights gathering methodology
  2. Invest in subnational sales/business development staff
  3. Change the way you work with local partners
  4. Secure future FX access against current FX availability with the central bank
  5. Hire a specialist customs clearing agent

Opportunities in SSA’s biggest market

Our Accelerate Growth in Nigeria report details the challenges multinationals face when trying to capture Nigeria’s large opportunity, highlights weaknesses in certain approaches to market, and provides practical actions that you can take to grow your Nigeria business sustainably. This report leverages insights from interviews FrontierView hosted with executives and provides case studies on how they’ve successfully navigated key problems in the complex but attractive market.

Download an Executive Summary of the Accelerate Growth in Nigeria Report

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