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Running a successful multinational organization across countries and continents in today’s day and age is no easy feat. Market volatility is affecting companies’ profitability and competitiveness. Rising competition is making it more difficult to win with customers, and customers themselves are getting more demanding. This requires a much higher standard for ROI for any new investments. This is especially true particularly as large, easy-to-spot emerging-markets opportunities are now highly competitive and have sophisticated local customer bases. 

To ensure they are making critical investments in the right places, MNCs must pick the right countries to focus on before devising localized business strategies. When done correctly, market prioritization improves business performance, both by ensuring efficient allocation of resources and by spreading risk across a diversified portfolio of geographies. But picking the right markets is not an easy undertaking, and various pitfalls make it particularly hard. 

Over the past decade, FrontierView has conducted numerous studies on market prioritization, both on a country and a subnational level. We have helped companies across sectors use tools to prioritize their global, regional, and subnational market portfolios. We’ve seen many pitfalls along the way, as well as several best practices. 

This whitepaper serves as a summary of a major study that consolidates our insights on geographic market prioritization and seeks to give management teams the tools to conduct thorough market-prioritization assessments.

Fill out the form below to download the whitepaper.

FrontierView has all the information you need about your market, industry, and company in real-time to power your business decisions. We offer a solution that puts the right information at the right time, at your fingertips. If you would like more insights into your specific markets, click the “Start Free Trial” button on your screen to speak with a dedicated Client Services Manager and receive complimentary access to our offering.