Thank you for your interest in our Capturing SSA’s Consumer Class report! We are excited to offer you an executive summary of the research.
Companies across all sectors have invested in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) based on strong population and consumer spending growth. And while SSA’s consumer market presents considerable opportunities for MNCs across sectors, the analysis to date has been clouded by misunderstandings—of the true drivers of consumer-class growth, how these impact different markets and segments, and how the consumer space will develop going forward—leading to sub-optimal strategy setting.
This report overturns commonly held assumptions by building a picture of SSA consumers from the ground up. It provides a qualitative assessment on who the SSA consumers are and what affects their behavior, while quantitative analysis offers more realistic numbers for consumer-class size and growth potential. In combination, these insights allow MNCs to set more realistic targets and devise better strategies to reach consumers.
Please fill out the form below to download the executive summary.
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