Sharpen Your Team’s Peripheral Vision

Every year, FrontierView breaks down the events that fall outside of our base-case expectations for the global outlook but are significant enough that they could disrupt your plans, should they occur.

In 2022, over half of the global events we flagged took place, as did multiple regional or country-specific events. So, while our goal is to provoke discussion and help executives think outside the box, the events are realistic enough that they may materialize and disrupt corporate plans.

In this year’s edition, we’re looking at a range of events that could change the trajectory of the global economy for 2023. From an economic perspective, we’ve evaluated a scenario where the US Federal Reserve engineers a successful soft landing for the US economy; we’ve looked at risks around a sharp drop as well as a sharp spike in commodity prices and thought through the implications of a significant increase in food shortages and food prices beyond current levels, as well as a housing price crash in developed markets.

A number of geopolitical risks also make an appearance; from the risks of direct NATO-Russia confrontation and of an invasion of Taiwan, to domestic China-related risks, such as a mismanaged and premature exit from zero-COVID, any one of these events would be potentially impactful for many multinationals’ portfolios, customers, and suppliers.

Executive teams should review and incorporate these events into their risk assessments as they pressure-test budgets and plans for next year. Teams should monitor our suggested signposts on whether a particular event is unfolding and plan how to respond quickly and proactively if it begins to materialize. FrontierView clients will be able to monitor these in our proprietary Global Events to Watch hub.

Download an Executive Summary of the Events to Watch for 2023 Report

At FrontierView, our mission is to help our clients grow and win in their most important markets. We are excited to share that FiscalNote, a leading technology provider of global policy and market intelligence has acquired FrontierView. We will continue to cover issues and topics driving growth in your business, while fully leveraging FiscalNote’s portfolio within the global risk, ESG, and geopolitical advisory product suite.

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