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Each week FrontierView’s global research team shares their view on key media stories, and what the implications are for your business. Have a question for our analysts? Email us at to learn more.

Mansour El-Zahab on “Tunisia’s First Democratically Elected President Has Died

“With the passing of President Essebsi, Tunisia’s presidential elections are pulled closer to mid-September. However the country is no closer to reaching political consensus, with a risk of parliamentary decisions potentially altering electoral rules and delaying elections. MNCs should anticipate a turbulent route to elections, with consumer spending growing more cautious.”

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Peter Domingos on “Smart Building Trends in 2019”

“Newer smart building technology will continue to replace obsolete conventional BAS systems at the fraction of the cost. However, IoT is changing this. Adding IoT devices to current HVAC systems will provide remote visibility to these disconnected systems. The ability to interface remotely with stand alone thermostats using protocals like BACnet or Modbus is now a reality. These new technologies will drastically improve energy efficiency.”

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Zeynep Kosereisoglu on “Trump Vetoes Resolutions Seeking to Block Arms Sales to Gulf Allies”

“President Trump’s veto of Congress’ resolution seeking to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE indicate that the strong partnership between the Gulf countries and Trump remains. For businesses operating in the GCC, this will ensure continuation of the Saudi crown prince’s bold foreign policy and high defense spending from the GCC governments.”

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Stephen Majors on “The 21(.5) Century Pharma Footprint”

“Reference pricing – the most direct threat to the current pricing paradigm – looks unlikely ahead of the 2020 presidential election, but the trendlines for pricing transparency in TV ads and for patent reform are strong. And the reorientation of drug pricing views along the US political spectrum – like those about trade – appear to be long-lasting.”

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Alex Schober on “La economía repuntó 2,6% en mayo y quebró la tendencia de un año de caída”

“Argentina’s economy expanded by 2.6% YOY in May, breaking a year-long streak of contraction. Growth was almost entirely led by agriculture (49.5% YOY). Even though we anticipate growth beginning in Q3, we continue to believe that exports will be the primary contributor. MNCs should expect weak domestic demand due to still-high inflation and interest rates, combined with electoral uncertainty.”

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