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Thank you for your interest in our Respond to Localization Pressures in EMEA report! We are excited to offer you an executive summary of the research.

Pressure on multinationals to manufacture locally in a diverse range of emerging markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) has been intensifying over the past several years. Because of strategic and resource constraints, EMEA leaders often face dilemmas in selecting which markets require a shift toward local production in this environment. These will only become more acute in the next several years, so EMEA leadership teams need a structured, objective process to assess which markets they should prioritize for localization.

This report provides context about what to expect in terms of localization conditions going forward, as well as a structured framework for evaluating and comparing candidates for localization. This is helpful not only for balancing conflicting demands from within the organization, but also for narrowing down the countries that truly deserve the resource- and time-intensive feasibility analysis for local manufacturing.

Please fill out the form below to download the executive summary.

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