FrontierView’s global healthcare teams are currently offering a series of webinars on Healthcare in 2020/2021 exploring the volatile economic environments of markets across the regions amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. You can register and find information on each of the webinars below:

Upcoming Webinars

1. The Future of Telehealth in Latin America | Register Here

  • Date: Thursday, December 10, 2020 | 9:00am – 10:00am EST
  • Presenters: Alec Lee, Director for Healthcare Practice, Guillaume Corpart, Global Health Intelligence, Adolfo Rubinstein
  • Overview: The pandemic has dramatically accelerated the pace of adoption of telehealth across the region, yet barriers to execution and implementation persist. During this webinar, we will discuss how policy design can impact the continued adoption of this invaluable tool, with a specific focus on financing needs and the impact of private-public cooperation in ensuring continued expansion of patient access to quality healthcare via telehealth platforms. The key topics will include the current state of investment by Latin America hospitals in electronic health record systems and telehealth platforms; an analysis of public sector budgets for healthcare IT spending, and its evolution; the evolution of policy and regulation for telehealth within the region, and a comparative analysis of the current state of telehealth policy focusing on financial incentives, permitted uses, and data security; and opportunities for public-private partnership to enhance adoption. This event will be hosted by FrontierView Healthcare, Global Health Intelligence, and Boston Scientific Latin America.
Webinar Recordings

1. APAC Healthcare Outlook for 2020 | View the recording

  • Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2020
  • Presenters: Adam Jarczyk, Director, Asia Pacific Research, Alec Lee, Director for Healthcare Practice
  • Overview: The webinar will focus on how Asia’s healthcare landscape will fare in the face of the novel coronavirus’ rapid spread and its aftereffects. The discussion will focus on how pharmaceutical and medical device companies are confronting demand planning, digital engagement models, supply chain/localization pressures and strategic planning for a post-COVID19 landscape. Executives joining the webinar will get a chance to understand how governments will react and revamp their healthcare reform agendas in the face of a more challenging fiscal environment for the long term across developed and emerging Asia.

2. Anticipating Impacts of COVID-19 on Latin America Healthcare Systems | View the recording

  • Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2020
  • Presenters: Martina Bozadzhieva, Head of Research, Alec Lee, Director for Healthcare Practice
  • Overview: Healthcare systems in Latin America are highly heterogeneous, with different financial flows that create varying incentives for stakeholders across payer and provider networks. FrontierView believes these unique dynamics along with political willingness to take bold and timely action will impact the systems’ abilities to cope with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. ASEAN Healthcare Outlook for 2020/2021 | View the recording

  • Date: Friday, August 7, 2020
  • Presenters: Antonio Martinez, Director for Healthcare Practice, Ashu Agarwal, Analyst for Asia Pacific Research
  • Overview: We’d like to welcome you to an interactive webinar on our outlook for the ASEAN-5 markets and how we expect COVID-19 to reshape the macro environment and industry landscape for healthcare companies. FrontierView’s research team will share our revised expectations for the ASEAN-5’s healthcare landscape over the next 6-9 months, so that you can pressure test your assumptions and use the information to align expectations across your organization.

4. Brazil Digital Healthcare Strategies – Portuguese Version | View the recording

  • Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2020
  • Presenters: Alec Lee, Director for Healthcare Practice, Renata Abbud, Manager for LATAM Client Services
  • Overview: A pandemia trouxe consigo grandes mudanças na prestação de serviços a pacientes (relacionados ou não à COVID-19), fazendo com que diversas empresas no setor de saúde se vissem obrigadas a se adaptar em face da evolução dos meios de atendimento ao paciente. Do ponto de vista de demanda, houve tratamento presencial reduzido e e pacientes sofrendo alterações comportamentais por medo de infecção. Ambos fatores vem gerando o atraso de consultas básicas, continuação de tratamentos, exames diagnótiscos e procedimentos cirúrgicos. Junte-se a nós em um webinar co-organizado pela FrontierView e FarmaCerto para analisar novos dados de profissionais de saúde no Brasil sobre suas experiências com o conteúdo digital disponibilizado pela indústria durante a pandemia e as expectativas para a telemedicina após a pandemia.

5. Brazil Digital Healthcare Strategies – English Version | View the recording

  • Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2020
  • Presenters: Alec Lee, Director for Healthcare Practice, Brenda Lora, Managing Director for Latin America
  • Overview: The pandemic has brought sweeping changes to the provision of care for patients (COVID and non-COVID), forcing companies to adapt in the face of evolving patient care pathways. From a demand perspective there is reduced physical access to care and patient behavioral changes due to fear of infection. Both drivers are resulting in delays in basic consultations, treatment continuation, diagnostic exams, and surgical procedures. Join us for a webinar co-hosted by FrontierView and Farmacerto to review new data from healthcare providers in Brazil regarding their experience during the pandemic with digital content from the industry and expectations for telehealth after the pandemic.

6. China: Deepening Healthcare Investments for a Post-COVID19 World | View the recording

  • Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020
  • Presenters: Antonio Martinez, Director for Healthcare Practice, Adam Jarczyk, Director, Asia Pacific Research
  • Overview: We’d like to welcome you to an interactive webinar focused around China and its foundation for healthcare reform in 2021. FrontierView’s research team will share our revised expectations for China’s healthcare landscape over the next 6-9 months, so that you can pressure test your assumptions and use the information to align expectations across your organization

7. MENA Healthcare Outlook for 2020/2021 | Access the full recording here

  • Date: Monday, October 5, 2020
  • Presenters: Zeynep Kosereisoglu, Director for MENA & Turkey Research, Martina Bozadzhieva, Head of Global Research
  • Overview: With the impact of the oil price crash and Covid-19, the MENA region will enter a highly unpredictable 2021 with increased indebtedness and deteriorated macro fundamentals. The governments will need to bolster healthcare capacity and generate economic growth, while also returning to their broader reform plans. Healthcare executives will need to navigate shifting government priorities and pressured public finances amid an increased need and interest in healthcare spending.

8. Russia Healthcare Outlook for 2020/2021 | Access the full recording here

  • Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
  • Presenters: Mark McNamee, Director for Europe Research, Antonio Martinez, Director for Healthcare Practice
  • Overview: With the impact of the oil price crash and COVID-19, Russian public and private spending will be under pressure in 2021 from greater indebtedness and deteriorated macro fundamentals. The government will have to bolster healthcare capacity and generate economic growth, while also determined to remain conservative in its fiscal policy. Healthcare executives will need to work closely with local partners in order to identify burgeoning opportunities amid pressured public finances. We will share our outlook on the pace of economic recovery in Russia and its implications for the healthcare industry, looking at the current state of COVID-19 and the pace of normalization of elective procedures, on the fiscal and financial impact of the crisis on the outlook for healthcare financing and on how healthcare priorities and policies are likely to shift in the coming year. As businesses plan for 2021, we will align on key assumptions for next year’s budget and how MNCs are adapting their strategy to capture opportunities amid COVID-19.

9. LATAM Digital Customer Engagement Strategies | Access the full recording here

  • Date: Thursday, November 12, 2020
  • Presenters: Martina Bozadzhieva, Head of Research, Massiel Nunez, Senior Client Services Manager
  • Overview: We’d like to welcome you to an interactive webinar where FrontierView’s research team will explore how COVID-19 is impacting the adoption of digital tools and customer engagement techniques in the healthcare sector. Topics covered include:
    • How digital stakeholder engagement in the healthcare sector is evolving as a result of COVID-19
    • What aspects of digital stakeholder engagement strategies multinationals are investing in and finding most challenging
    • Impact on internal capability building for healthcare companies

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